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jpg file size in a .csv file, you could bin the values and see how the distribution of the numbers relates to the known properties of .jpg images. Binning is a classic approach in statistics. It is often used as a feature selection method because it tends to filter out a lot of the data if enough thresholds are defined. In Apache Flink, binning functionality is already available: DataStream has a `bin()` method. It returns a new DataStream that contains a series of elements with consecutive data values. Values in the original DataStream are split into these consecutive bins. Values are skipped if the bin start timestamp is before the start timestamp of the original DataStream. The bin size can be fixed, or the bin size can be configurable. The bin duration can be set to any time. Flink's binning mechanism performs very well when the dataset is normally distributed and the bins are well-sized. However, the bins might be too small for datasets with certain skewed distributions or for which the timestamp starts might be between two bins. For these cases, Flink's built-in binning is slow and does not support a number of bins. Other than Flink's built-in binning, there is another streaming binning mechanism that is available in Apache Spark. In Spark, the `WindowedStreamBatch` and `ProcessingTimeWindowsStreamBatch` classes are used to group values into bins. They have a `groupByKey()` method and can be used for collecting statistics from a stream of numbers. However, they are hard to create. The key is an `IndexedRow` class that keeps the data values and the index value in a fixed order. This requires serialization of a large object graph. For complex data sets, the memory overhead of the serialized object graph might be higher than the collected statistics. In contrast to Flink's built-in binning, Spark's binning mechanism can be used in a streaming fashion and can easily be constructed using the `StreamBatch` class. It does not require a precomputed index and can collect statistics for arbitrary bin sizes in any given time. However, the `StreamBatch` class has a number of limitations. The maximum number of bins is limited to 64, which is usually not enough. Furthermore, the



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